we take you to Egypt’s best destinations

Every detail is designed for your comfort and safety, so you can spend less time organizing and more time planning where you will go next.

discover Siwa

Sekht-am “Palm Land”

Sekht-am “Palm Land” was the name given to Siwa by the Ancient Egyptians for its great amount of palm trees and small farms all around, thanks to the abundant amount of fresh water springs everywhere in Siwa.

  • Full of mineral springs, salt lakes and endless olive and palm groves.

  • Plenty of historical and cultural heritage spots for you to visit from many different periods in history.

  • Take in the majestic Temple of the Oracle where Alexander the great famously went to consult the oracle.


Dune Bashing

Water Springs

discover Fayoum

Wadi El Rayan Waterfalls

Less than two hours west of Cairo, the vast salty Lake Qarun comes into view and the arid landscape is replaced by a lush patchwork of farming plots, sunflowers swaying in the breeze and tall date palms with water buffalo lounging in the shade.

  • A number of important archaeological sites.

  • Tunis Village.

  • Wadi Al-Hitan.


Pottery Making

Dune Bashing

The White Desert

Sahara el Beyda

Pitch camp for an overnight stay under the gorgeous star-filled sky of the White Desert.

  • Djara Cave.

  • Crystal Mountain.

  • Stargazing.

Dune Bashing



discover Wadi Degla

Wadi Degla Protectorate

Less than 15 km from central Cairo and brings desert adventure to your doorstep. Only a few minutes’ drive from the southern Cairo suburb of Maadi, Wadi Degla offers a wide variety of activities.

  • Bi-Weekly Movie Nights.

  • Hiking & Biking.

  • Special Tailor-made Events.

Movie Night


Live Show