Less than two hours west of Cairo, the vast salty Lake Qarun comes into view and the arid landscape is replaced by a lush patchwork of farming plots, sunflowers swaying in the breeze and tall date palms with water buffalo lounging in the shade. This large fertile basin, about 70km wide and 60km long, is sometimes referred to as an oasis, though technically its water does not come from springs, but the Nile via hundreds of capillary canals, many dug in ancient times.
Tunis Village
You can visit the village of Nazla before enjoying lunch at Tunis village where a more contemporary pottery industry has developed.
Qasr al-Sagha Temple
Geological formation, discovered in 1884, built of huge blocks of local sandstone, located just north of Lake Qarun.
Wadi Al-Hitan
Some of the earliest whale skeletons from middle Eocene era can be seen in situ at Wadi al-Hittan.
Dimieh El Sebaa
Was a Ptolemaic city believed to be founded by Ptolemy II in the 3rd century BC, It contain two temples, houses, underground chambers, streets and ten-meter high walls.